Saturday: SEPTEMBER 14, 2019
OPTION 3: Dutch Oven Cooking & Clay Shooting
The Holiday Inn Rock Springs is the host hotel for the PWWR. They have provided a generous rate of $79/night. Attendees are encouraged to take advantage of this low
rate and “PARK & RETREAT.” Bus transportation will be provided for all attendees. The buses will transport attendees to all components of the retreat starting with the Friday evening reception and ending with returning to the Holiday Inn Rock Springs following Saturday activities.
8:30AM - 4PM
Let It Fly Hunting Club, Green River
229 Old Stauffer Road | Green River, WY
Bus departs Holiday Inn for Let It Fly Hunt Club at 8:30AM
On Saturday, for those members of the retreat that enjoy the great outdoors, learning and practicing their skills, this Option 3 is right in their neck of the woods. The day will consist of Dutch Oven Cooking demonstrations and learning while participating (vegetarian option available), as well as a sack lunch, and learning a Clay Shooting skills course with hands on experience with skeet target practice. Dutch Ovens and Firearms will be provided. Youth must be accompanied by a parent to shoot clays.

A maximum of 50 attendees can schedule this option! All OPTION 3 attendees with participate in both Dutch Oven Cooking and Clay Shooting.
Group Sessions
Each group will participate in both Dutch Oven Cooking and Clay Shooting. Per the size of registration the day needs to be broken out into groups for ease of facilitation and safety.
Group 1
8:30AM | Bus Depart Holiday Inn for Let It Fly Hunt Club
9AM - 12PM | Clay Shooting Demonstration & Participation
12 - 1PM | Lunch at Let It Fly Hunt Club
1- 4PM | Dutch Oven Cooking Demonstration & Participation
4PM | Bus Departs Let It Fly Hunt Club for Holiday Inn
6PM - 9PM | Wine & Appetizer Reception with Live Music and Vendors at the Holiday Inn Ballroom.
Heavy hors d'oeuvres and cash bar.
Group 2
8:30AM | Bus Depart Holiday Inn for Let It Fly Hunt Club
9AM - 12PM | Dutch Oven Cooking Demonstration & Participation
12 - 1PM | Lunch at Let It Fly Hunt Club
1- 4PM | Clay Shooting Demonstration & Participation
4PM | Bus Departs Let It Fly Hunt Club for Holiday Inn
6PM - 9PM | Wine & Appetizer Reception with Live Music and Vendors at the Holiday Inn Ballroom.
Heavy hors d'oeuvres and cash bar.