OPTION 1: Fly Fishing,
Casting, & Tying
The Holiday Inn Rock Springs is the host hotel for the PWWR. They have provided a generous rate of $79/night. Attendees are encouraged to take advantage of this low
rate and “PARK & RETREAT.” Bus transportation will be provided for all attendees. The buses will transport attendees to all components of the retreat starting with the Friday evening reception and ending with returning to the Holiday Inn Rock Springs following Saturday activities.

6:20AM - 5PM
Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge
37 Miles North of Hwy 372 | Green River, WY
Bus departs Holiday Inn for Seedskadee NWR at 6:20AM
A maximum of 30 attendees can schedule this option! You must be a Trout Unlimited Member and provide member ID in follow-up email after registering for the PWWR event.
No repeat PWWR Fly Fishing attendees can choose this option - only those whom did not have the chance in 2018 can sign up.
Sweetwater County Travel & Tourism has partnered with Trout Unlimited for a day of fishing at Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge (SNWR). On Saturday, 30 of the retreaters will have the chance to fly-fish from a drift boat along the Green River. The members of the Trout Unlimited Chapter #533 developed this female focused fly-fishing float. Hillary Walrath, Henry’s Fork Project Coordinator, says, “The idea is to give women a chance to learn about fly-fishing in a fun, supportive and hands-on environment. This day of fishing is ideal for those who love to be on the river, but also for those who are interested in immersing themselves into our wildlife but are unsure how.” To enable an attendee to sign up, they must be a Trout Unlimited Member and have their member number available for input when registering. If not already a member, please click here to join before registering for PWWR 2019. No repeat attendees from 2018, this option is only for attendees that have not had the chance to fly fish at the PWWR retreat.
September 10, 2019
6PM - 7:30PM
Expedition Island | Green River, WY
There will be a casting clinic at the park to prepare the retreaters for their day on the water. Some fly rods will be provided. If you have your own gear we encourage you to bring it! We strongly encourage participants to attend this clinic so you can make the most of your day on the water, spending more time fishing rather than learning to cast.
6:20AM | Bus Departs Holiday Inn for Seedskadee NWR
7AM | Arrive at Seedskadee NWR
7AM | Introduction & Safety Orientation
8AM - 5PM | On the River Fly Fishing from Boats
12PM - 1PM | Sack lunch at Seedskadee NWR
5PM | Bus Departs Seedskadee NWR for Holiday Inn
6PM - 9PM | Wine & Appetizer Reception with Live Music and Vendors at the Holiday Inn Ballroom. Heavy hors d'oeuvres and cash bar.
Made possible by:
Seedskadee Trout Unlimited Chapter